Mon expatriation
Your country of expatriation is not completed or unfortunately we are unable to cover this country of expatriation under this plan.
IMPORTANT: purchasing an individual international health insurance plan from MSH International does not exempt you from taking out local mandatory insurance which complies with the DHA/DOH regulations in force in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
The duration of your expatriation was not specified or is incorrect.
Your country of nationality is not specified or unfortunately we are unable to cover this nationality under this plan.
You cannot choose this Country and be a member of the CFE
Personne(s) à couvrir (y compris vous-même)
You must specify your family status by using the drop-down list: solo / with partner / with partner and child (ren) / with child (ren).
Please make sure you have entered your date of birth correctly (in DD/MM/YYYY format). You must be over 16 and under 66 to subscribe. If you are between 66 and 70 years old, please contact us by phone at +33 1 44 20 48 77 or by email at
Your country of expatriation is not completed or unfortunately we are unable to cover this country of expatriation under this plan.
Your country of nationality is not specified or unfortunately we are unable to cover this nationality under this plan.
L'age d'un enfant ne peut excéder 19 ans. Nous ne pouvons couvrir cette personne sur ce contrat familial. En revanche, elle peut être couverte à titre individuel sur un contrat souscrit à son nom
L'age d'un enfant ne peut excéder 25 ans. Nous ne pouvons couvrir cette personne sur ce contrat familial. En revanche, elle peut être couverte à titre individuel sur un contrat souscrit à son nom
Mes coordonnées
You must select your gender by selecting one of the 2 pictograms (M/F).
Your first name / last name is missing or incorrect.
Your first name / last name is missing or incorrect.
Your e-mail address has not been entered or is incorrect (respect the format:
Please choose a valid country of connection.
Your phone number is incorrect